Omah Lay vs Joeboy vs Fireboy Net Worth 2023

Last updated on September 5th, 2023 at 05:53 pm Did you know that musicians are making a ton of money just singing and writing songs? Click Dropdown To Use Scroll Links Well, today you and I will look at one of those musicians in Nigeria who is making a very good amount of money

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Last updated on September 5th, 2023 at 05:53 pm

Did you know that musicians are making a ton of money just singing and writing songs? 

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Well, today you and I will look at one of those musicians in Nigeria who is making a very good amount of money singing and writing songs. 

Enter Omah Lay! 

As a matter of fact, by the time you finish reading this post, you will discover Omah Lay net worth in 2021, his cars, house, and sources of his income. 

but before we dive into all that, here is what this post will cover. 

  • How much is Omah Lay net worth 2023
  • Omah Lay houses and cars 
  • What are Omah Lay sources of income? 
  • Omah Lay biography 
  • How did Omah Lay career start 
  • Personal life and controversies 
  • Frequently asked questions 
  • Conclusion 

Now that you know what this post about the net worth of Omah Lay will cover let’s dive into it. 


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Once you are done reading this post then scroll down to the button of this page to read about Omah Lay vs Joeboy vs Fireboy net worth. 

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You will be surprised at who is the richest among these 3 upcoming Nigerian artists. 

How Much Is Omah Lay Net Worth 2023

How much is Omah Lay worth currently? Omah Lay net worth 2023 Forbes is currently estimated to be 90,000 dollars ($90,000). His income grew after signing with his current label Dvpper Music record label under which he released the EP what have we done. 

When I converted Omah Lay’s net worth in dollars to Naira, I got a massive 34,290,000. 

So Omah Lay’s net worth in Naira is 34,290,000 and the conversion was gotten by multiplying the value of a dollar with the above figures. 

Net Worth: $90,000 (N34,290,000)

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I mean imagine the type of life that is possible with more than 30 million Naira in your bank account right? 

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If you give me all that money I am sure I would be relaxing on some island letting off some steam. 

With that said Omah Lay’s net worth will only look to double two years from considering his career just started taking off. 

Although this wealth is nothing compared to some of the top singers in Nigeria who are worth millions seeing how far he has come, I am positive the future is bright. 

Now that’s my opinion but make sure to let me know what you predict Omah Lay worth to be in two years’ time in the comment section below. 

There is more! 

Quickly let’s see how many cars and houses Omah has bought with all that money, shall we? 

Omah Lay Cars & Houses 

A lot of celebs love the idea of buying that beautiful looking nice car which they can pose in every now and then right? 

Well, they deserve it considering lots of sleepless nights went into being able to afford such luxuries. 

Recommended For You: Omah Lay Attention Lyrics (New Mp3 Download & Video)

An expensive-looking house and car could mean your career has really hit the all-time high right? 

I mean houses in Nigeria cost anywhere from 15 million to 50 million Naira for a home befitting a celebs status. 

So does Omah own a home yet? Well, I can tell you that, if he has one, he certainly has not made it public. 

On his Instagram handle, the singer has posted several pictures in which he is either lying down on a bed or sitting on a chair. 

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This, however, is not enough to conclusively say that Omah Lay owns those home but if I find more details with regards to this I will bring it before you. 

So how many cars does Omah Lay have? Omah Lay was seen resting on a Rolls Royce on his Instagram photo but whether he owns it I don’t know. 

Shoutmeceleb Entertainment contacted the manager of the artist but so far no comment has been made. 

With that out of the way, now come let’s take a look at Omah Lay sources of income. 

What Are Omah Lay Sources Of Income 

In 2010, I remember having a conversation with my cousin who wanted to be a musician. 

I asked him why he wanted to be a musician despite the fact his parents were against his decision. 

He looked at me with a smile on his face and said how is it you don’t see all of the opportunities that becoming a musician presents? 

I said I don’t see it so maybe you should tell me if that’s something you feel comfortable sharing. 

He answered in one word “FAME”. 

He then went one step further and told me that becoming famous opens doors to a different source of income. 

Now when I look back and see how artists have become wealthy through music I am forced to agree with his views. 

For example, Jay Z became one of the richest musicians in the world because he pursued his dream of becoming a rapper. 

Having told you the brief story above here are the different sources that has increased Omah Lay’s net worth 2023. 

  • Endorsement deals 
  • Social media 

Now let’s take each of the bullet points and expand on each briefly to provide you a perfect understanding. 

Endorsement Deals 

One of Omah Lay’s sources of income could be endorsement deals with different big brands in and out of Africa. 

I mean on November 2020 the singer became the first on the Apple Africa Rising showcase. 

A bi-monthly program that promotes artists from Africa who have their songs as most streamed on the platform. 

This program gave Omah lots of exposure during the year’s end. 

The singer said, “I use to go to Apple Music to stream songs of my favorite musicians and now I am the cover of Apple Africa Rising”. He ended his speech with dreams does come. 

Essentially endorsement deals involve helping to endorse the product of other brands. 

In exchange, an artist could sign a one, two years contract depending on the terms of an agreement reached during the discussion of such contract. 

Omah Lay does not have any endorsement currently, however, with a bright future ahead this will soon change. 

Omah Lay YouTube Channel 

Another way Omah makes money is through his YouTube channel. 

Whenever he drops songs, he uploads them to YouTube and when the song gets viewed he makes money. 

The way he makes money is through Google AdSense, a program that connects publishers to advertisers. 

If you don’t know anything about how to make money with your YouTube channel as a musician then read this article

YouTube has also helped to boost Omah May’s net worth which is just the 2nd on the list of his income sources. 

Now let’s look at his social media accounts, shall we? 

Omah Lay Social Media 

Another way Lay makes money is through his social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. 

This works in the form of influencing your audience’s decision to patronize a particular brand. 

So here is how it works; 

For example, Mr. A wants to advertise on my Instagram channel which has over 10 million followers so what does he do? 

He would first contact me and he and I would agree on a price for this advertisement. 

Note the more engaged my followers are, the more I can charge for advertising on my page. 

So Mr. A gives me whatever he wants to advertise on my handle, I post it and I get paid my cool cash. 

It’s as simple as that but getting that huge following is really no joke so if you are interested in increasing your Instagram followers then read this article here

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Remember the story between my cousin and me right? 

Well, this is where all that plays out beautiful and you would see the ripple effect of becoming famous. 

Omah also made some really pretty good money from his songs. 

back in the day, it used to be that you need to have a CD plate of songs to start selling. 

In a digital age that’s fast-changing with digital music streaming platforms like Apple leading the pack. 

The process for making money on all these streaming platforms is the same, you know. 

To get your songs on Apple you need to go through platforms like CD Baby.

So whenever Omah Lay songs are streamed on these platforms, he makes good money too. 

Lay also makes money from digital royalties and performance royalties which are all handled by his current label. 

Lastly Omah Lay also makes money from shows. 


In the last months of 2020, Omah Lay flew down to Uganda where he was arrested for breaking COVID-19 safety terms. 

He flew down to Uganda because he was paid to perform live on a show. 

Sources close to the singer said Omah made between 1 million Naira and 4 million Naira just by making that trip. 

That’s the power of shows which has also helped to grow Forbes Omah Lay net worth in 2021. 

Now that you have an idea of how much Omah Lay is worth, his sources of income, come let’s find out more about his growing up and career. 

Omah Lay Biography. 

Omah Lay’s biography is one I found somewhat interesting and I will get to the reason shortly. 

I know it easy to forget about a person’s humble beginning once they attain some level of success right? 

but then you can’t just throw that away and for this reason, let’s talk about how it started and why I find it fascinating. 

So who is Omah Lay

Omah Stanley Didia known popularly by his stage name Omah Lay is a Nigerian singer/songwriter and a producer. 

but then I know you are dying to know when he was born right? 

Stanley was born on the 19th of May 1997 in Portharcourt where he grew up and attended primary and secondary school. 

Omaha’s grandfather is popular for being a percussionist for popular highlife musician Ukwu. 

Now, this is why I find his story rather interesting. 

His grandfather could not achieve his musical goals as such failed in that regard but was popular within his locality for his drumming ability. 

Now Omah fulfilled his grandfather’s dream to become a musician by becoming a producer, singer/songwriter. 

This means even though he failed, his dreams were achieved through his grandson. 

Although Omah is yet to pick any award considering he just came into a competitive musical environment. 

but I can predict that should Didia keeps this momentum up, he could be the next rated in a year or two down the line. 

Okay, I know you are probably saying why not this year right? 

I haven’t ruled him out yet but he is on a very competitive list going into this year’s Headies Award

Now if you disagree then take the time to shoot me a message in the comment section below. 

Stanley Omah Didia started his career very early after working on a production at the very early age of his life. 

It was at 15 he started singing and preparing for the big market in Nigeria. 

So far, that has worked out pretty well for the 23 years-old wouldn’t you say? 

I bet you nodded at the sound of that so since you and I are in sync come let’s look at Omah Lay’s career start. 

How Did Omah Lay Career Start 

When did Omah Lay start singing? Omah Lay’s love for music began at the tender age of 4. However, he started singing at the age of 15 after he learned music production. 

In 2019 Omah released his first single which introduced him to the Nigerian audience. 

Although the fuzz wasn’t that much at the time, 2020 made sure his sounds were listened to carefully. 

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The pandemic gave lots and lots of people the time to really start paying attention to his songs. 

In 2020 he released his debut EP which sent the whole Internet into a frenzy after sounds like Damn made it’s way to people’s heart. 

He titled the EP Get Lay’s and boy o boy, Get Layd was the EP that really changed everything. 

This began a new journey to fame and by November the same year, Omah released a 5 track EP titled What Have We Done

What have we done quickly took the singer to the cover front of Apple Africa Rising. 

I still play confession every now and then but my by far favorite track is godly which is a song about fake love. 

If you have not listened to Omah’s 5 track EP then I suggest you do that with the above link. 

He wrote all the tracks from WHWD EP and produced confession which received positive reviews. 

So how many albums does Omah Lay have now? Omah has released two EPs the first was released in the early part of 2020 which he titled Get Layd. In the second half of the same year, he released his 2nd 5 track EP titled what have we done.

Now, let’s look at some of the controversies that have surrounded his career. 

To be frank it’s hard to avoid that kind of thing especially when you are a celebrity. 

Personal Life & Controversies 

So far I can tell you that Omah has kept his personal life really personal. 

No girlfriend details and even he tries to stay away from the drama that surrounds celebrities. 

However, he managed to get himself into one really fast when he decided to breakdown lockdown rules in Uganda. 

Although he was never to blame for what happened his management was sloppy. 

However, Nigerians did their thing and brought out the voices of over 200 million to speak in favor of the singer. 

So what happened? 

Omah was contacted to perform in Uganda during the lockdown in 2020. 

What the organizers of the show didn’t tell him was that there is a lockdown in Uganda hence no show should be held. 

On landing on Uganda, Omah Lay was arrested and kept on detainment. 

Nigerian celebrities quickly took to social media platforms like Twitter to air their support for the upcoming act. 

Part of their voice of reason was that if Omah Lay knew there was lockdown, he wouldn’t have boarded the plane to go Uganda hence the organizers should be held for poor information and putting Omah Lay in harm’s way. 

The singer was released after several legal processes were taken and he took to his social media to thank everyone that used their voice one way or the other to support his release. 

Okay, that’s about it, right? 


I forgot you must have some questions right? 

Frequently Asked Questions

This part of the post will answer some of the most common questions about Stanley Omah Didia. 

So here we go… 

What Is Omah Lay Real Name

What is Omah Lay’s real name? Omah Lay’s real name is Stanley Omah Didia and he was born in Port Harcourt in the year 1997 on the 19th May. He began his career producing music before he started singing at the early age of 15.

Is Omah Lay Married

Is Omah Lay married? Married is a Nigerian singer/songwriter and a producer who is currently single. He is yet to get married neither is there any speculation that suggests he is getting married anytime soon.

How Old Is Omah Lay

How old is Omah Lay? Omah Lay (real name Stanley Omah Didia) was born in Port Harcourt in the year 1997 on May 19th. He grew up in Portharcourt before relocating to Lagos to pursue a music career. The currently has two Eps out titled Get Layd and What Have We Done.

Wrapping It Up 

Omah Lay net worth in 2023 started taking off after the release of his first EP Get Layd. 

The second EP what have we done also helped to boost Omah Lay net worth 2023 to what you found on this post. 

but I have a question for you…

How would you predict Omah Lay’s wealth growth in 2023?

Leave a comment below with your thoughts and I will be sure to follow up with you. 

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